IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications indicated above reflects your personal device’s system settings. 
  1. Purpose of the position

To support Ministry of Health in development of the Institutionalization framework to decentralize the Resource Tracking tool for Immunization Activities in Uganda

  1. Description of duties
  1. Disseminate and implement the DIET immunization resource tracking tool at the national and sub-national level
  2. Build capacity of the DIET users on how to report using the tool at the national and subnational level
  3. Monitor and evaluate the utilization of the DIET at both national and sub-national level
  4. Provide technical support for troubleshooting of the DIET
  5. Provide consultancy final report at the end of end of exercise.
  1. Deliverables

The expected deliverables of this engagement are the following.

Deliverable 1.1:  To provide inception report two weeks after countersigning the contract

Deliverable 1.2:  To provide preliminary report two months after commencement of work

Deliverable 1.3:  Final report to be provided 10 days before end contract with clear monitoring and evaluation framework.

  1. Technical supervision

The selected consultant will work under the direct supervision of the WHO Country Office Health Financing Officer.

  1. Qualifications, experience, skills and languages

Educational Qualifications

Essential: University degree in Economics, Statistics, or equivalent in a related field.

Desirable: A master’s degree will be added advantage.

Experience required

Essential: At least 10 years’ experience in providing technical assistance to countries in resource tracking exercises.


Desirable: Experience in providing technical assistance to Countries in resource tracking exercises.


Skills / Technical skills and knowledge

  • Excellent knowledge in facilitation skills with partners and counterparts.
  • Knowledge of resource tracking and report writing
  • Knowledge of information technology
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office
  • Institutionalization skills


Language required

Excellent knowledge of spoken and written English

Remuneration and additional information

  1. Renumeration: Band level NO-C, UGX. 15,200,083/= (Uganda Shillings: Fifteen Million Two Hundred Thousand and Eighty-Three only). Payable monthly.