1. Background

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.  UN Women works globally to make the vision of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) a reality for women and girls and stands behind women’s equal participation in all aspects of life. UN Women focuses on four impact areas: (i) Governance and Participation in Public Life; (ii) Women’s Economic Empowerment; (iii) Ending Violence against Women and Girls; and (iv) Women, Peace and Security, Humanitarian Action, and Disaster Risk Reduction.

As a global champion of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE), UN Women launched a global Flagship Programme Initiative (FPI) titled “Making Every Woman and Girl Count (MEWGC-Women Count): Supporting the monitoring and implementation of the SDGs through better production and use of gender statistics”. The Women Count programme aims to address the following: (i) Weak policy space and legal and financial environments; (ii) Technical challenges, particularly with regard to sensitive, methodologically demanding or emerging areas; and (iii) A confluence of limited data dissemination and communication capacities of National Statistical Systems (NSS) and limited ability of governments and other stakeholders to utilize and advocate for gender statistics to inform decisions, research, advocacy, policies and programs. There is need for a radical shift in the production, availability, accessibility and use of quality data and statistics on key aspects of GEWE.

UN Women works to position gender equality as fundamental to the SDGs, and a more inclusive world. To achieve the advancement of Gender Equality and Empowerment of Women (GEWE), UN Women leverages her convening role on gender equality to support to Implementing Partners (IPs) including from government, Civil Society, and academia to collaboratively deliver results addressed to GEWE and delivery of SDGs.  UN Women Uganda Office implements the Women Count programme, completed implementation of Women Count I and is implementing phase II of the programme. The Women Count II programme is anchored on the third Plan for National Statistical Development (2021-2025) to address gender statistical requirements of the United Nations System (UNS) Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2021 – 2025 and the third National Development Plan (NDP III) 2021-2025.  This to ensure optimal contribution to the effective achievement of the GEWE and delivery of the 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  I for Uganda is in its second year of implementation.


2. Justification for this Consultancy

As part of the efforts to close gender data gaps, the Women Count project is advancing the use of non-traditional data sources for the monitoring of the SDGs, which includes Citizen Generated Data (CGD).  CGD is majorly generated by CSOs to provide granular data on people and community issues and complements other data sources to build evidence for responsive community interventions.  CGD is not only a powerful data source but a useful complement to official data, that is now recognized by National Statistical Offices (NSOs) as a valuable data source in pursuing sustainable development to help fill evidence gaps. Uganda developed a CGD Guideline/Toolkit and initiated its operationalization.  CGD requirements have been prioritized and integrated in the PNSD III, UN Women SN, Women the UNSDCF.  As part of the efforts to build capacity of CSO implementing partners to operationalize the CGD Toolkit, UN Women working in partnership with Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) will hire a consultant to facilitate a three-day Inception capacity building and training retreat on the collection, analysis and use of CGD for reporting of SDG 5 and other SDG gender-specific indicators.

The inception capacity building retreat will enhance capacity of selected UN Women CSO implementing partners to generate and analyze data for evidence-based advocacy, and programme delivery. The retreat will provide a platform for collective review and deliberation on existing data management efforts by the IPs towards harmonization for a consolidated position. It will also provide an opportunity for exposure to the Gender Research and Data Hub developed by the Civil Society Budget Advocacy Group (CSBAG) and GERDHI, with support from UN Women.


3. General objective

The main objective of the retreat is to enhance the capacity of CSO representatives to collect, analyze and generate Citizen-Generated Data. A consultant will be hired to facilitate the capacity building retreat and will be guided by the following specific objectives:

  1. Enhancing the understanding of CSOs and other stakeholders on the SDGs, targets, and indicators and how to compile data against them.
  2. Increasing their knowledge on the Gender and statistics concepts, definitions, terminologies, and Metadata.
  3. Exposing CSOs to the CGD and methodologies of developing and utilizing CGD; benefits and limitations.
  4. Development of a harmonized and consolidated Joint capacity building and improvement plan on CGD for the selected CSO-IPs.


4. Scope of work

Under the overall guidance of the UN Women Deputy Country Representative and supervision of the Programme Specialist Gender Statistics, the Consultant will undertake the following tasks:

  1. Conduct a pre capacity assessment and profiling of selected CSO-IPs data management work and alignment to UN Women priorities.
  2. Attend a debriefing meeting with UN Women and CSBAG to plan and discuss the organization, content, and results of the training.
  3. Develop materials with practical methodologies and exercises and design an interactive and need based training agenda based on the pre-assessment, profiling exercise to build a quality CGD data management team for three – day capacity building retreat.
  4. Facilitate a three-day selected CSO-IP CGD capacity building retreat using a mixed approach of delivery including interactive and participatory methods appropriate for adult learning and lead the stock-taking session to ensure achievement of the retreat objectives.


5. Duration of the Consultancy and Deliverables:

The consultancy will take 10 Man hour paid days in accordance with the chronogram below:

# Activities Timeframe Deliverables % of payment
1. 1. Conduct a pre-capacity assessment and profiling of selected CSO-IPs data management work and alignment to UN Women priorities.   4days










Capacity Assessment report/Inception report including agreed modalities for delivering the retreat and updated Agenda/Workplan. 70%
  1.2 Attend a debriefing meeting with UN Women and CSBAG to plan and discuss the organization, content, and results of the capacity building retreat. Retreat Agenda


  1.3 Develop materials with practical methodologies and exercises and design an interactive and need based training agenda based on the pre-assessment, profiling exercise to build a quality CGD data management team for three – day capacity building retreat. Materials including Power Point Presentations for facilitating delivery of the retreat.
2. Facilitate a three-day selected CSO-IP CGD capacity building retreat using a mixed approach of delivery including interactive and participatory methods appropriate for adult learning and lead the stock-taking session to ensure achievement of the retreat objectives. 3 days Draft report, metadata, and capacity building improvement plan.
3. Prepare and submit the following to UN Women.

i) a quality report on capacity building retreat

ii) Draft Meta data with concepts, definitions and terminologies based on data work of the selected CSO-IPs, and

iii) Draft harmonized and consolidated Joint capacity building and improvement plan on CGD for the selected CSO-IPs.

3 days
  1. Capacity building retreat delivery report
  2. Draft Meta data with concepts, definitions and terminologies based on data work of the selected CSO-IPs.
  3. Draft harmonized and consolidated Joint capacity building and improvement plan on CGD for the selected CSO-IPs.


6. Reporting

Under the over all guidance and supervision of the UN Women Deputy Country Representative; the consultant will work in routine consultation with the UN Women Gender Statistics Specialist to deliver the assignment.  This assignment will be implemented effective 15th June 2023 to 30th June 2023.


7. Required Qualifications:

7.1 Core Values:

  • Respect for Diversity
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism

7.2 Core Competencies:

  • Awareness and Sensitivity Regarding Gender Issues
  • Accountability
  • Creative Problem Solving
  • Effective Communication
  • Inclusive Collaboration
  • Stakeholder Engagement
  • Leading by Example

7.3 Functional Competences

  • Extensive knowledge of gender statistics and its planning, programming, production, analysis, and dissemination; with demonstrated professional competence and expert knowledge of the pertinent substantive areas of work.
  • Demonstrated experience in GEWE including solid understanding of linkages between gender, statistics, and development.
  • Extensive experience on development of statistics strategic plans, CGD or related work.
  • Demonstrated integrity and fairness by modelling the UN values and ethical standards, shows commitment to UN Women’s mission vision, values, and strategic goals.
  • Leadership and skills to work with autonomy and initiative with strong adult facilitation and analytical skills Excellent interpersonal and professional communication skills and abilities.
  • Strong teamwork spirit and interpersonal skills demonstrated by the ability to gain the assistance and cooperation of others in a team endeavor.


8. Education

Master’s degree or equivalent in social sciences, statistics, development studies, development economics, gender/women’s studies, international relations, or related field is required. A PhD is an added advantage.

9. Experience

  • At least 10 years technical experience working in gender statistics and or with national statistics systems.
  • Solid knowledge of the UN system, 2030 Sustainable Agenda 2030 and Leave No One Behind Commitment;
  • Demonstrated ability and experience in designing training materials and facilitating training on specific interventions.
  • Experience in designing, planning and facilitating statistics and data development strategies and working with the Uganda National Statistics System and UBOS will be an advantage.
  • Experience in developing CGD frameworks and other work related to CGD will be an advantage.
  • Proven experience in training and facilitating teams to work better on data management etc.

9.1 Other essential qualities

  • Possess excellent team spirit and be able to work in a multi-cultural environment.
  • Demonstrate open-mindedness, objectivity, and impartiality in all circumstances.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of key principles of confidentiality, dignity of Women, do-no- harm while carrying out the assignment activities.

10. Submission of Application

Interested qualified candidates must apply online latest 02nd June 2023 with the subject “SSA for Capacity Building on Citizen Generated Data. Candidates should submit one PDF File attachment containing:

  • A signed Curriculum Vitae with contact details of 03 clients for whom you have rendered preferably similar services.
  • Application package will include; technical proposal detailing a clear methodology, workplan and financial proposal. The financial proposal must cover all anticipated activities including travel to the field for data collection.
  • UN Women P11 dully filled form with at least three (3) professional references (UN Women Personal History Form (P11), can be downloaded at:http://www.unwomen.org/about-us/employment.
  • Only applications with all requirements mentioned above will be considered.
  • Only successful candidates will be contacted.